For any query please email us at
  • 3820 Valley Blvd Unit i
  • Walnut , CA 91789
  • Tel: 909.598.7230



Monday - Friday 

10:00AM - 5:00PM    

2nd store:

Architect's Corner : 1324 s. Flower Los Angeles,CA 90015


Golden Acrylic Varnishes

Silgan Wide Mouth Round Polymer Varnish with UVLS (Ultra Violet Light Stablizers)

Waterborne acrylic polymer varnish that dries to a protective, flexible, dust-resistant surface over acrylic paint

  • Removable with ammonia
  • Recommended for interior use only
  • Not for use by children

- Golden Polymer Gloss (w/UVLS) 8oz Silgan Wide Mouth Round

- Golden Polymer Satin (w/UVLS) 8oz Silgan Wide Mouth Round

- Golden Polymer Matte (w/UVLS) 8oz Silgan Wide Mouth Round

Mineral Spirit Acrylic Varnishes

This mineral spirit based acrylic varnish forms a tougher, less permeable film than waterborne acrylic emulsion varnishes. Ultraviolet light stabilizers reduce damage caused by the sun. It reduces dirt penetration and surface marring, offering an extremely level film with less foam and fewer pinholes. For interior or exterior use.

  • MSA Varnish forms a tougher, less permeable film than water-born acrylic emulsion varnishes
  • Reduces dirt penetration and surface marring, offering an extremely level film with less foam and few pinholes
  • Removable with Mineral Spirits after drying
  • Recommended for either interior or exterior use
  • Not for use by children

- Golden MSA Gloss (w/UVLS) 8oz Can

- Golden MSA Satin (w/UVLS) 8oz Can

- Golden MSA Matte (w/UVLS) 8oz Can

Archival Varnish Spray

Use this spray-on acrylic varnish for an archival, non-yellowing finish on all media including paintings, drawings, ink-jet prints, etc. The 100% acrylic polymer in mineral spirit vehicle goes on clear and stays clear, with a fan spray tip for precise application. The varnish’s UV light stabilizers inhibit light damage. While the varnish is permanent, with excellent dust and moisture resistance, it is removable for conservation purposes making it preferred by professional painters, conservators, museums and gallery customers. In a pint can

- Golden MSA Spray Varnish Gloss 12oz Aerosol Can — GD7731-X

- Golden MSA Spray Varnish Satin (US) 12oz Aerosol Can — GD7736-X

- Golden MSA Spray Varnish Matte (US) 12oz Aerosol Can — GD7741-X